Looks like I too (along with the million others!) have fallen into this Blogosphere.
(This being my first blog I am not sure how good it might turn out)
The very fact that the blogs gives us the freedom to express ourselves and share our thoughts with e-world, let me start by writing on my views on freedom! I am sure many might not agree to my views wholly, but I would really appreciate constructive criticisms.
Recently I heard a beautiful song from 1966 movie Born free:
Born free, as free as the wind blows
As free as the grass grows
Born free to follow your heart
Live free and beauty surrounds you
The world still astounds you
Each time you look at a star
Stay free, where no walls divide you
You're free as the roaring tide
So there's no need to hide
Born free, and life is worth living
But only worth living
'cause you're born free
- Andy Williams
To me this summarizes the very purpose of life. I believe Freedom is the main factor for a human to grow into a unique individual. Degree of freedom to an individual also reflects in some sense the degree of happiness. By freedom I am not talking absolute freedom to do anything. Freedom should come with responsibility to see to it that it does not harm others in any way. To me this topic is interesting since I have lived in two different countries:
Any society which tries to curb the basic freedom of speech, expression, culture etc poses a potential threat to growth of an individual and in turn creating an unrest and disharmony in itself. In
Couple of months back, great writer Salman Rushdie gave a talk at
Recently Indian government tried to ban ‘blogs’ after
Let’s come to the issue of social freedom. In Indian society social freedom is severely restricted. Familial and social obligations forces people to choose not on the basis of what they feel is right but by what others think is right and what is accepted widely by the community. Here Women suffer the most. Consider this, girls are not allowed to come home late (guys are hardly questioned). Parents of girls look suspiciously watch daughter’s movements. Well with respect to guys they are quite liberal. Even economic liberty for women is severely limited in many house holds. Not to talk about their sufferings in villages. Most of them are not even sent to schools. In cities many parents from middle and upper middle class families still feel that higher education is not needed for women. There is also an attitude that men should be more educated than their life partners.
Let’s come to ‘forbidden topic’ of Sex. In
Lack of social freedom shows its dirty face when it comes to the issue of marriage. barriers of Caste, religion and family come out in all wildernesses. In most of the conservative families, sons/daughters loose their right to decide their life partners. Some, who boldly venture against such evils often, have to meet stiff resistance. Parents assume that they know very well their son/daughter interest is in marrying to whomever they like. At the end most of the marriages just ends in compromise between the girl(/boy) and parents. In my most such ‘happy marriages’ are forced upon. Continuing on the same line, what is the state of most women after such marriages? Most of them become partial servants to their husbands (in the name of loyalty to their husbands). Most women
loose their freedom to take decisions on their own. Women have to compromise their career options. This is not only the case in middle class but also in many high profile societies.
Well so far I talked about the freedom and society. I do plan to write an article on how freedom is also intrinsically linked to the development of a Nation. This would be based on the book Development as freedom-Amartya Sen.
Hey Shivu,
Extreme freedom isn't good either, else everybody would end up like this... http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Marquis_De_Sade and where to draw the line is a debatable issue, and the current line IS democratic. Everybody already knows what they need to know, and the gov't needn't spend tax payer's money on teaching kids about birds and bees. What's more such an education would cross the line of decency our conservative society has drawn, can't let that happen!
where the mind is without fear and the head is held high!!!
musings: you rightly quoted Tagore's words.. Sadly Indian's have still not achieved social liberty.
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